I have learnt a lot of interesting things in R.E this year. The most interesting thing I learnt had to be the story of Fatima which is about 3 Children that Mary had appeared to, she had told them three of her predictions that she had thought would really happen. 2 of those secrets she had told them had happened but the last secret has not been revealed. Pope John Paul the second was about to reveal the third secret but he was attempted to be shot and narrowly missed it.
I am a Year 8 at St Pius X Catholic School in Auckland. I am in Room 7 and my Teacher is Mrs Tui
Thursday, 10 December 2015
My Best Writing of 2015
The All Blacks running onto the field led by Richie McCaw was like we were going to war!!.
4 Years ago My Mum and I went to watch the All Blacks face the Argentine Pumas at Eden Park. I was really excited to have had the special chance to cheer on the All Blacks, “YAAAY!!”. It was really astonishing to be close up to see the All Blacks perform the Haka, KA MATE, KA MATE, KA ORA!!!. Nigel Owens the Referee of the game had blown his whistle, WEOOOW!!! and the crowd went bizarre.
It was a really close and intense first half, not only were there no points scored but… the defense from both teams was really impressive. The Penalty was awarded to the All Blacks, WEOOOW!! and Piri Weepu the All Blacks scrum half had to chance to boot in 3 points. Nervously the All Blacks fans were waiting for the kick to be converted and Piri Weepu had given the All Blacks the lead 3-0, “YAYYY!!”, I had shouted with great excitement. OOOOOO!!!!, that was a really close decision made by Nigel Owens but unfortunately the All Blacks No.8 Kieran Read’s foot was outside the line and the score remained 3-0 the Pumas were lucky with that decision. Another penalty was kicked by Piri Weepu and the score was 6-0, but not long after the great teamwork from Argentina had paid off with a convincing try by Julio Farias Cabello. So going into Halftime with the boot of Piri Weepu the All Blacks were leading 12-7.
Nigel Owens whistle was blown again to signal the start of the second half. The All Blacks had started the Second Half astonishingly with a huge break by Isaia Toeava with great support from Ma’a Nonu to make great metres. My Mum and I were at the edge of our seats, but indiscipline had costed the All Blacks a penalty which Argentina's fly half had countered on and the score was 12-10.
Later on in the Second Half the All Blacks started to capitalize with a great try from Kieran Read who was doubted a try in the First Half. All Blacks had a real comfortable lead with a lead by 13 points ( 23-10). Now the All Blacks were playing at their best with another great try by Veteran Lock Brad Thorn, so the score now was 33-10 and it remained till the end of the game. WEOOOW WEOOW!! Nigel Owens had blown the whistle to state that the All Blacks were in for a Semi Final booking against the Wallabies.
What a great game!!, a great kicking game from both sides, great team work within the width of the field and great defense. I was really glad that I could be there with my Mum.
Best Learning in Maths 2015
In Maths this year I have learnt a lot of new things. Working with Mrs Tui has been really successful. In particular I have learnt Percentages and Decimals which I thought wasn't possible to learn. I have also learnt the difference from Plane to Solid Geometry, Plane Geometry are two dimensional shapes and Solid Geometry are three dimensional shapes.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Prototec Basic Facts Maths Test
I am really proud of my Prototec Basic Facts Maths test score. I had really made a huge progress because earlier in the year in June I had scored 32/40 now I have scored 40/40 and had got all the questions right.

Friday, 20 November 2015
Thursday, 19 November 2015
My Sailing Experience
We were all really looking forward to what was planned this afternoon.
It was a windy day which was great weather conditions for sailing. We were all really excited to be going sailing. This was all part of our activity days. The first group went in the morning and the second group (my group) went later in the afternoon.
Finally we had arrived and we went to get ready and got changed into our lifejacket and our warm waterproof jacket. We all couldn’t wait to get in our boats and sail. Our instructor Reuben had told us a few rules and had showed us how to control our yacht. We had got into pairs in our yachts and had pushed our yachts out into the water. One person in each yacht was going to be controlling the yacht and the other person judges the wind by pulling the sail.
We were out on the water and Reuben had instructed us to go to a yellow point, so Me and Misiotei rushed for the yellow point. It was a great experience especially when our yacht was about to sink. Catherine and Lupe were the first to the yellow point.
Our last task was to go for the white point which was closer to shore. I was in control and headed straight to the white point. Yay!!! in excitement me and Misiotei were the first pair to the white point. Unfortunately it was the end for our Sailing session and we had to get changed and go back to school.
It was a awesome experience and I wish to go sailing again.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Spanish Greetings
In Room 7 we are learning how to speak Spanish. Me and my pair have been learning some of the greetings in Spanish. I really thought that Spanish is a really easy language to speak if you keep learning.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Touch Reflection Week 5
For our touch session today we basically advanced and progressed in the skills we previously learnt. The boys were separated from the girls and we both did separate drills. We also progressed in placing the ball on the ground after we got touched. It was our last time with our tutor because next week we were having a different tutor and we would get the chance to play a actual touch game. I can’t wait for next week.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
E-Asttle Writing Test
I had really put all my effort into my E-Asttle Writing test for this term. Our Writing Subject was to write about a memorable time with our family. I chose to Write about going to the All Blacks vs Argentina Game in 2011 with my Mum which I will never forget.
Kiwisport Touch Session
I really enjoyed our Touch Session for Today because we got to learn new skills and also to improve the skills that we had learnt in the previous sessions. We also had some progress in drawing our defender and then passing it to our team mate. I can’t wait for next week to learn some more skills in our next touch session.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
The Beautiful Looking Day!
“ Scary Movies, Junk Food, Play fighting, Swimming and Spending time with my family were all the things that was scheduled ahead for my holiday”
On a marvellous looking day My Sister, My 2 cousins and I were all up early to get ready for our day that was planned ahead. With the appearance of the weather it was planned that we were be going to the Papakura Pools.
Firstly we all went up for a walk up Red Hill. Meanwhile when my Sister and my Cousin Bethany were walking me and my cousin Jabez were jogging up the very steep hill. I got just feel all my strength in my legs flatter away step by step. Meanwhile in our walk/jog we went through a walk path which lead to a park where we played a while then headed back to my Sister's House.
Following on in the afternoon it was time for a nice refreshing swim at the Papakura Pools. When we had arrived there it was very busy because we had to park on the road. After we had found our park me and my cousin Jabez was very excited for what we were going to do in the pools. So we headed just into the pool no hassle. Me and my cousin were told to stick together because it was very crowded and we wouldn’t be able to find each other. The Pool felt really warm and had felt like I was inside a spa pool, the depth of the pool had gone deeper the further I had walked. The deepest depth of the pool I was in was 2 Metres.
After a while there was nothing else to do so Jabez & I decided to go the little kiddie pool which was warmer than the other pool we were in, the depth of the little kiddie pool was 0.8 metres- 1.2 metres. It was really warm inside the pool, I could've just slept inside the pool it showed how relaxed I was. After not doing anything much we decided that we wanted to head home because we were feeling tired and hungry at the same time.
Following on after our refreshing swim it was time to head off.
What a great swim and end to our beautiful day!
Friday, 18 September 2015
What a Wonderful Day!
Today was special day for St Pius X Catholic School Students, Teachers and fellow relatives of our School. My Highlight for Today was winning the Speech Final for my year level and also having my parents there to watch me. Overall it was a lovely day for all SPX Students, Teachers, Parents and Grandparents.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Sign in God
My Learn: I am going to find some sign in nature or situation in our everyday life that helps you know something about God.
Monday, 7 September 2015
Group of Sacraments Meaning
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These Sacraments consecrate people for the important roles of service in the life of the community
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The Sacraments enable people to become full members of the Church, committed to Christ and the carrying on his mission in the world as sons and daughters of God - whanau a Te Atua
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These Sacraments enable people to meet the Risen Christ bringing them healing - houhou rongo in mind, body and soul.
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The 3 Groups of Sacramennts
Friday, 4 September 2015
The Sacrament of Holy Order
Friday, 28 August 2015
Cross Country 2015
Cross Country Recount
“ Cheering, Motivation and tired people was the sign of this years SPX Cross Country”
On a spectacular afternoon our whole school was preparing for our whole school Cross Country. The weather had turned out to be beautiful for our whole school Cross Country.
Firstly slightly before Cross Country was about to start Misiotei, Frank, Seuati, Justin, Chris, Anthony, Manu and I went to set up the Chairs and all the other stuff for the parents and judges to sit on to spectate our cross country.
Finally the first race had started so Mr Slade and Manu announced that the Rooms 1 and 4 were going to be running first. Standing there nervous I was waiting for my race to be announced by Mr Slade and Manu. Finally Mr Slade and Manu announced that my race would be starting soon which was the Year 7&8. I was very nervous waiting for the sign to run, Finally Manu had shouted “Go!!!” so all of them had darted off were I just jogged at the back and paced myself.
Later on in my first I was jogging alongside Hola, Lupe and Salote until I had passed them and was trying seize up to Justin. Suddenly I was just behind Justin and still paced myself into my Second lap. Just inside the second lap I passed Justin and was feeling the tiredness dragging me across the concrete.
Finally I had finished the Cross Country course (we did 2 and a half laps). I had come First in the Year 7 race, JT had came Second and Joshua had came Third. After all the weary moments in Cross Country for 2015 we all settled down to wait for the Points decision winner which was all combined from Organisation Points, the best chant and also the results from the race.
It was a awesome run!! it was more awesome because my Dad came to support me. Thursday, 27 August 2015
Kelly Tarlton's Movenote
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Revolution Group Visit!!!
“ We were in for a party when we heard that the Revolution Group was coming to our school”
After Lunch time on our feast day the Revolution Group came to visit us to tell us a few tips on not to bully each other. There were about 7- 10 members that came to our school to speak to us. Firstly they had told us that we were going to have fun and we did indeed. They had told us that some of the students that wanted to dance would get the chance to dance, so 2 students from our class Albert and Justin went up with a couple of younger students. It was fun watching them freestyle dance because they were dancing to the famous song “ Watch Me”. So after they busted a few of their dance moves it came to the actual reason on why they came to our school. One of the ladies had introduced herself and talked about her life as a kid. She had said that her life as a Kid was really depressing because being a Fijian herself she had said that most Fijian Girls hair will shape as a afro which her hair did. So she explained how everyday constantly she would be mocked and being called names just because of her hair looks. She had pointed that everyone may not look the same but actually we were created in the image of God and were choose to be the equal. She had gave us 3 steps when we see this type of situation. 2 of those steps was to say Sorry (Apologise) and to get 3 friends and not 3 friends to smash or beat up that person but to comfort that person that is being bullied or telling the bully to stop and think about their actions in what they are doing.
After that we were in for some more fun. They had sung us a few songs from artists we listen to such as Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and they had performed a dance to the famous song from Bruno Mars which was “Uptown Funk”. I was impressed in all their dance moves.
Sadly After that the fun visit came to an end and they gave away a few of their free stuff they had and then we all headed back to our classrooms.
What a great afternoon!
My Kelly Tarlton's Experience Movie
Friday, 14 August 2015
Respond to Sean
I think Sean really made a good decision to make shark finning an illegal thing to do. He was really passionate about sharks and loved learning about Sharks. Sean explained that Shark finning was cutting the shark’s fin off and pushing the rest of the Shark’s body back into the sea. Sean really didn’t like this thing happening and stood up for illegal Shark Finning. For a person Sean’s age it really shows how much passion he has for shark’s and to make shark finning illegal.
Check this for the Video of Sean!!!
Check this for the Video of Sean!!!
Friday, 7 August 2015
The Rainbow Fish
Thursday 6th August
Text: The Rainbow Fish
Opening Statement: I think the Rainbow Fish made a good decision to give her scales to the other fish.
- She made a good decision to give her scales to the others because she felt happier than she was we she had her scales.
- She made a good decision because she thought of the others before herself which made her happy
- She made a good decision because she actually was still the same as she was when she had her scales and just carried on her life underwater and was really happy about it.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Warriors Visit Experience
What a surprise! Arriving at school on a wet Wednesday morning, everything is the same. My teacher was working away with most of Room 7 before the bell goes. I heard someone saying that some of the Warriors Players were coming to visit our school today. My ears pricked and I wanted to find out but no one seemed to know.
The bell rang and Mr Coakley, our principal, is telling people to go to the hall. I was really excited because I’m a staunch supporter of the Vodafone Warriors.
As I entered the hall I saw the two Warrior players. They were Ken Maumalo and David Bhana who mostly play in the New South Wales Cup Warriors team which is the reserve grade for the Vodafone Warriors. I smiled with excitement.
They talked to the whole school and played a few games with us. They gave some of the students Warriors drink bottles and mini Warriors rugby balls.
Later, Mr Slade volunteered some students to do a few drills with Ken and David. I was really lucky to be apart of those people who Ken and David were going to be doing a few drills with. I really enjoyed doing a few drills with Ken and David. We did some basic passing and running drills which will help us during a Rugby League game. I was also privileged to receive a small Warriors League ball. At the end, we had a class photo we them.
Justin and I had the opportunity to talk with them and got them to sign our League balls.
It was a great visit!!!
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